
Finished: Spring Socks

Spring Socks: Mirrors (Nearly)

I've finally, finally!, completed the Spring Socks I began roughly one year ago. This is the first pair of socks I've knit myself. While I love the colorway & pattern I chose for them, there are a few issues with them. Wouldn't it figure that the first pair of socks I actually make for myself turn out to also be the first pair that don't fit their owner as well as hoped for.

Spring Socks: Short Row Toe

Right from the start I begain my first toe-up socks with a new (on a sock) technique: the short row toe. I decided to begin these socks with a temporary cast-on & short row toe. I can't recall if I double wrapped on the toe or not because that part was done last year.

Spring Socks: Short Row Heel

Towards the middle came my first short row heel. These were double-wrapped (once on the way in & once on the way out again). The holes/stitches are still too large for my liking & the heel is also too pointy for my tastes (note to next time complete fewer wraps per side).

Spring Socks: Picot Bind-Off

In the end I became rather tired of knitting the pattern over & over & just wanted my first pair of socks for myself to be complete. These thus became rather short socks (for my own personal taste) with a picot (sewn down) edge. Notice the curl where it was sewn to the inside of the sock.

Spring Socks: Top Near Toe, Butterfly & Flower Patterns

All in all, I really love my Spring Socks. (Butterfly toward the toe with the flower below (actually above it on the physical sock which makes the butterfly here upside-down).)



The baby sweaters are done, finally. All that's left is to take pictures & have mom check them out before mailing. I believe the buttons are attached securely, but I'd rather have a mother actually do the tugging just in case. It would probably help if I went ahead & found my cousin's address, else it won't ever arrive.

My Knit Picks order arrived as well. In this order there was yarn for a swap on Craftster, as well as a pattern & some pink baby alpaca yarn. Yum.

Within the next couple of weeks I'd like to get the Spring Socks behind me so I can move on to a more interesting project. Don't we all think that way tho?


Back in the Swing

I'll admit that I haven't done much knitting since summer of last year. Other things have occurred, but I'm madly knitting again now. For the sanity of my pocketbook I've decided to join in on "Knit from Your Stash 2007". Although Wendy suggests making an exception for sock yarn, I think my exception will be for yarn bought while travelling. Whenever I go elsewhere (like to Fort Wayne) I enjoying buying a skein or two of yarn as a memory type thing. (Granted that I try to by yarn I also have a use for.)

Knit from Your Stash 2007